FAQ - Loma Negra
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How can I become Customer?

In order to be a customer of our company you must contact Loma Atiende/Contact Us 0800-555-1-555 or write tolyomaatiende@lomanegra.com.ar

Do you sell to final consumers?

No, sales are made only through our distributor customers or builders’ yards. You can find the most convenient through our Internet page browser.

How can I place an order of cement, masonry and/or lime?

To generate an order for any of our materials, you must contact the Commercial Manager assigned to you, contact the Requirements Center at 0800-555-1-555 or from Lomanet.

How can I place an order of reinforced concrete?

You must contact Hormigones Lomax by phone (011) 4303-1650 or e-mail lomax@lomax.com.ar

I do not have Internet Access, how can I register as user?

Contact Loma Atiende/Contact Us by phone 0-800-555-1-555 or by e-mail marketing@lomanegra.com.ar and request the Registration Form.

Why should I access Lomanet?

From LomaNet you can verify the schedule of your purchase orders for the current month, obtain a historic detail of material withdrawal, pay invoices and control payments made, generate electronic delivery request for material (SEM) and pallets’ current account.

How can I return pallets?

You can return them at any of our delivery centers, if you are a C&F customer, you have to return it when your order is delivered.

If I want to file a claim, how can I do it?

You may send your claims by e-mail to loma.atiende@lomanegra.com, or by phone to Loma Atiende/Contact Us to 0800-555-1-555 or by your Sales Representative/Representante Comercial.

How do I access the Loma Atiende BOT?

Contact your analyst or commercial agent to request the registration of your mobile phone.

What is the Loma Atiende BOT for?

It is a new way of communicating with us. If you are a customer, you can verify your purchase order schedule, obtain information from your current account, check the pallet account, upload shipper information, cancel your order or contact us. If you are not a customer, you can access institutional information.

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